Workshop for Young Mothers

A workshop for young women under age 20 who had recently become mothers, where they had the opportunity to recall, share, and memorialize their experiences together of becoming a mother. The story of Mary becoming the mother of Jesus is included in Luke’s Gospel through her remembering, sharing, and memorializing the experience, and this is a stimulus for the faith dimension of the workshop.

Each mother had the opportunity to opens a gift bag stage by stage as they went through the 3-stage process. First, to receive a candle of their own, and have the opportunity to share their own story while everyone listens. They covered from the time of conception through pregnancy to the birth of their child. Each story is different, but you could see all that was in common, too, and how they were glad to share about it all. The next piece of the gift was a piece of jigsaw puzzle, that all put together to form a small poster that accompanies Mary's candle. It includes a Scripture passage which is the guide for the workshop: "And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart." (Lk 2:19) The final piece of the gift included a large wooden heart, made by the pueblo carpenter. There were a lot of decorating materials for them to choose from and make a memorial of their own heart, with a spot for their candle.

It was really well liked, and a powerful experience, something very different for them. What made it more interesting was that the mothers all came with their kids for one reason or another! But each finished and decorated their hearts, of course with their child's name and the candle in the center. Afterwards, each got a chance to talk about their design, and share their thoughts on the experience of the day. I took about 2.5 hours total.

I hope to be able to grow this and offer it to more mothers.